Common paramters. A value of zero indicates that the default should be used.
Include a checksum of the content in the trailer.
Common paramters. A value of zero indicates that the default should be used.
If input data content size is known, before start of streaming, set contentSize to its value. It will enable the size to be written in the header and checked after decompression.
When applicable, dictionary's ID is written in the header
Long distance matching parameters (LDM) Can be activated for large inputs to improve the compression ratio. Increases memory usage and the window size A value of zero indicate that the default should be used.
Common paramters. A value of zero indicates that the default should be used.
Multi-threading parameters
Long distance matching parameters (LDM) Can be activated for large inputs to improve the compression ratio. Increases memory usage and the window size A value of zero indicate that the default should be used.
Common paramters. A value of zero indicates that the default should be used.
Multi-threading parameters
Common paramters. A value of zero indicates that the default should be used.
Zstandard is a fast compression algorithm designed for streaming. See zstd.h (enum ZSTD_cParameter) for details.